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Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Deaf Edge by Deaf Pundit created a lot of discussion about inappropriate behaviors on internet. Many felt Deaf Pundit was unfair because she failed to discuss Amy Cohen Efron’s behaviors. She did not complain about her behaviors until she saw Barb’s video which is far tamer than Amy’s. by Jared Evans
by Aidan Mack by Michael Schmidt by Jeannette Johnson aka Deaf Pundit

The hearing writer, Kristi Grant discussed some irrational behaviors of Barry Sewell related to the road dispute in their hometown, Wells. Barry is not doing this to the Deaf community alone. He is also doing this to the hearing community. The hearing community does not appreciate his aggression. Kristi gave different examples of his behaviors. His behaviors sound very familiar.


Mr. Sewell states that when he met with BLM they told him the road was built illegally. Mr. Sewell fails to mention that he himself has been building roads across BLM land in the last 2-4 months, that he has never secured the proper permits for. So wouldn’t that mean that those roads were illegal as well, not to mention that he is the one who is breaking laws?


As usual, there are two sides to the story of how Mr. Sewell closed the road. He tells only half of it.


Mr. Sewell also fails to mention that when she got out of her vehicle to find out what was going on, he is the one who got in her face and started screaming at her, trying to provoke her in some way. After Mr. Sewell became aggressive and threatening that is when she called the sheriff’s department and asked for the assistance of a deputy.

BARRY USES THE DEAF CARD (Yet he denies experiencing AUDISM)

Mr. Sewell wrote people are predators out to get him and his family because they are deaf, yet Mr. Sewell is the one that was waiting out on the road for the “hostile trespasser” that morning, so who is the predator?

Click here: Another perspective on road dispute by Kristi Grant

What is up with Amy Cohen Efron?  A commenter in Ridor’s The Countdown to the Resurrection wrote, “I agree with you. Amy Cohen Efron and people are hypocrites because they did call Barb Digi’s workplace. Nobody defends her. Watching Amy laughing about a porn show — Two girls and One Cup is sickening. Children are watching her. We do not want Amy around children. She also approves Cobi making fun of audism. Would she approve a child making a satire video about an organization trying to stop racism? Hell no! She understands nothing about “isms”. A child needs to be taught about respect. Talk nice to adults even if they insult him. He can say that he is sorry that the adult has to resort to insults. That is it, but to insult an adult back? That says a lot about his father. What lessons is he teaching Cobi? No manners. He will not be a leader until he changes his behaviors. I have no problem children being involved with politics, but in a polite way! Ever hear of the line — I respectfully disagree because…”


“Who says I wasn’t disturbed by all vloggers who participated in the two girls and one cup stuff? I am even more alarmed that Amy Cohen Efron AS A SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST OF ATLANTA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF participated in that kind of thing. She always goes preaching deaf people about how THEIR behaviors are inappropriate, but never ONCE thinks about her OWN behavior.”

The commenter’s concern is well-taken.  Many Deaf readers know Amy is a school psychologist.  Should she be playing around on the internet and risk her and her school’s reputation?